Rachel Valliere

This blog is to keep up with my year teaching at Bingham Academy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. -RACHEL VALLIERE

Monday, November 28, 2011

August 28th, 2010 - In Addis for One Week

Dear Family and Friends,

I have been here in Addis for one week. Orientation for the teachers

and staff started this week. On the first day, the school director

gave a nice welcome and introduction. He spoke to my heart as he

shared the miraculous answer to prayer that we all are. This year

Bingham Academy has had the largest turn over of staff than ever

before. It was humbling and exciting to see his excitement and

amazement as to how God has faithfully provided staff for this school

year in and year out (since 1946). He imparted to us the huge

ministry that it is to teach TKC's (Third culture kid's). Kid's who

are "from" one country, and live in another country. They really are

unique. About 25% of the kids here do not speak English at home.

Everyday my senses are inundated with new stimuli. The smells are

incomparable, from the trash to fresh fruit and foods. The sounds of

the barking dogs, the Muslim call to prayer, and the constant rain.

The tastes of the injura (the main sour bread tortilla thing they eat

all of their food on/with.) and mochiato's. The sights of the masses

of people, flooded streets, and constant traffic. The feeling of the

cold apartment floors,

breathlessness (elevation 8000ft.), and bucket showers.

Also, unfortunately blogspot does not work here, so I will have to

create a new blog. My apologies, especially to those of you who

created an account so you could follow.

Thanks again for your love and support!,


Prayer requests:

-orientation and planning. The school uses the Cambridge curriculum,

and it seems SOO vague - especially for PE.

-The family and remainder of a team in Afganistan who were brutally

killed this last week. 5 confirmed were killed and probably up to 10.

A staff girls best friend was/is on the team (a survivor) and it is

a sad and evil story.

-Discernment of who to invest in and become closer friends with.

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