Rachel Valliere

This blog is to keep up with my year teaching at Bingham Academy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. -RACHEL VALLIERE

Monday, November 28, 2011

June 12, 2011 - The Joy of My Students

Dear Family and Friends,

GREETINGS from Ethiopia (Endeminachoo)! I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the start of summer (rainy season here!). There are only five days of school left and I have begun to say goodbyes and processing my year here. I have no choice but to give thanks and praise to God for His goodness and faithfulness. I cannot thank you enough for your prayers, support and love for me as I have been working at Bingham this year. It has been SUCH A PRIVILEGE to love, teach and serve the kids here this year. I will miss the hugs from Blane, watching Johannes run, the random comments from Anna, Leon’s sarcasm, Amen’s smile and many more.

There was an ORTHODOX HOLIDAY a few weeks ago and we had a long weekend, so three of us teachers went South to Langano (the only swim-able lake in Ethiopia) where one of the 4th grade student’s have a “beach house” (not quite like CA!). It was so great to not only go out on their boat (the dad built it), but also to spend time with the family, hear their story and be with the kids outside of school. It has been such a blessing to see and hear the lives of so many forengie (non-Ethiopian) family’s and what it looks like to live/work/serve abroad long term. There are SO MANY blessings, challenges, joys, frustrations, etc. that come with the mission field, and I suppose anywhere in life. I was reflecting this morning at church at how people are people. No matter how different the environment or lifestyle is, whether a grain farmer with oxen in the country here, or a stockbroker in New York, everyone is in need of a savior who alone can fill the craving for unconditional love.

The last month or so has been so special. God’s love has been so evident through the many hugs, notes, “I’ll miss you Miss Valliere”, and gifts I’ve received. A few weeks ago my roommate Monica felt like she needed to go back to the BASICS OF THE GOSPEL with her fourth grade class. She shared the steps and what it means to accept Christ in your heart and make Him Lord of your life. When she gave the invitation to pray, four of her students made first time commitments and 13 rededicated their lives. The class was so excited and wanted to share with their friends and family. So they paired up with the 5th grade class and 18 5th graders made first time commitments and 4 rededicated their lives! The kids were coming up to me and telling me about the decisions they had made and how they were sharing God’s love with their friends and family! It was truly an amazing time, and big IMPACT ON ETERNITY.

Our last day of teaching English at the HOSANNA HOUSE was last Thursday and I think the best goodbye I have ever received! The girls surprised us with a dinner, coffee ceremony, a dance, jokes, games, and a skit using all the slang words we had taught them in English (bummer, awesome, etc), and more. I love those girls and will always pray for them. (http://hosannafoundation.org/house.html)

Next Sunday is our “RACE FOR THE BLIND” to build the home in Mekelle for the blind kids who graduate, so they have somewhere to go other than the street! Please be praying for the logistics and for people to sign up this week! http://beautyrising.donorpages.com/relayfortheblind2011/ethiopian

I ran a 21k (half marathon) awhile back in Awassa, and got to shake hands with Heille Gebresalasie at the finish line! But didn’t get a picture =(

I am still amazed at how big people will smile by me just ACKNOWLEDGING them; how women tell their children to look when forengie are passing by, and at how many “I love you’s” we get from men on the street. I will miss speaking Amharic, having conversations with people out the car window, swerving to not hit sheep in the road, the coffee, teaching, killing bugs in the shower (maybe not!), amongst many others.

The BREAHTE CONFERENCE in Switzerland starts in 10 days! Missionaries from Hungary, Morocco, Kenya, Cameroon, Lebanon, UK, Jordan, Turkey, Tunisia, etc. will be attending. God has provided and I am so excited to help people relax and refresh through massage therapy. ( http://www.catalystintl.org/ )

I will write again after the Breathe Conference! Thank you for your continued prayers and love this past year. Let me know how I can pray for you as well.

For Christ,



-His faithfulness and all He has taught me and done in my life this past year while being here! As well as the ways He has used me in the lives of so many kids and people here.

-The Race for the Blind next Sunday, June 19th!

-Safe travels and time for me, as well as for the attendees of the Breathe Conference.

-My transition back to CA in a month and my search for a job.

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