Rachel Valliere

This blog is to keep up with my year teaching at Bingham Academy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. -RACHEL VALLIERE

Monday, November 28, 2011

Feb. 7, 2011 - A forest and blind school

Dear Family and Friends,

It is my joy to say hello to all of you again. I would not be here without your love, prayers, support and encouragement. Please let me know how I can be praying for you as well. So much has happened in these past 3 weeks.

First of all we had a day off of school due to an Orthodox holiday called Timket (which is the celebration of Jesus’ baptism). So, three of us girls took the opportunity to go camping in the Managasha forest/jungle about 2 hours away. It began with our first experience of getting gas in the city, and was then followed by many hello’s to village people on the roads. I enjoyed driving the ranger on the BUMPY roads, through a jungle filled with baboons, monkeys and bush buck (kind of like deer). Starting a fire was a challenge (at 9000 ft.), so thankfully we had the help of 2 forest rangers/guards, and we took a hike to a waterfall.

Two days later the three of us flew up north to Mekele where we were able to visit a government run blind school, a Christian orphanage and an Orthodox Bible college. It was a life changing experience to both see and be touched by the kids lives there. Many of the kids at the blind school had visual signs of being mal-nourished and once they graduate they are released to most likely a beggars life on the street. The lady (from Santa Barbara) who we went up there with is planning on starting a home for the kids who graduate where they can learn different trades and how to make a living. The orphanage was incredible, the kids are well taken care of, and the humble man who started it five years ago has a vision that one day it will be self-sufficient. They are hoping to use their land for dairy and agricultural purposes and start a school on the campus (which they have already begun building). There was a couple there from Indiana who met the two kids they are adopting for the first time. Words do not describe the emotion and love and joy for them to interact with their kids. With the kids at both the blind school and orphanage we sang songs, did crafts, danced, loved on them and were blessed to see a be a small part of their lives!

Teaching Middle School is going well. It is at a different level where I am able to communicate more “life lessons” through sport. Although with that, comes with the small cost of dealing with a little attitude. The first three weeks back for all my classes were filled with getting ready for Field Day, which was a really fun, all-school, two day track meet. It was such a joy for me to watch my kids compete! I see so much potential!

The new teachers are a joy and a fun addition to our group of single staff. We all were able to go bowling 2 nights ago and had a great time of bonding together. Please be praying for my roommate Monica, myself, the Heye Family, as there has been some mis-communication with the administration. We each have had separate issues but are thankfully able to pray and process through together. I am used to being called Miss Valliere and am so thankful for the countless hugs and encouraging exclamations from my students!

For Christ,

Rachel Valliere

Praises and Prayer Requests:

-A great two days of “Field Day”

-A great trip up to Mekele and the opportunity to see the Lord’s work there!

-The new teachers and my friendships here.

-To be the best teacher I can be and reach out to specific students.

-For the Heye family, Monica and myself.

-The kids at the blind school and orphanage. (If you feel so inclined to financially support the blind school, orphanage, or give supplies/resources for the Bible college please let me know!)

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